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It's a new social platform where users can share their daily schedules 24 hours, inspire and draw inspiration from others, set reactions, subscribe, follow like-minded people and develop networking through an internal messenger.
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4.7 out of 5.00
24Goals App helps to develop skills aimed at achieving goals, maintaining life balance, mental state and motivation
Become a master
at achieving goals
By choosing only 3 spheres for 30 days, without loss of energy you will achieve as many goals as others achieve for a YEAR.
Get the most
of benefits
If you need constant support or control, you can share goals with a mentor and friends
or follow others with the help of the messenger function (communicate within the app)
Maintain balance
Fill out the "emotion" section every night in order to help clear your mind from unnecessary thoughts and make the smartest decisions.
Boost your motivation to the speed of light
Create your own visualization board and capture your goals with pictures
It's a new social platform where users can share their daily schedules 24 hours, inspire and draw inspiration from others, set reactions, subscribe, follow like-minded people and develop networking through
an internal messenger.
The mission of the project is to inspire and draw inspiration from other users, learn the best habits of other people, help and motivate each other, improve yourself together, be a part of the same community, find like-minded people and go towards your goals together. Our app will help you achieve the best results and the best life.
Yerkezhan Zholdassova - the founder
of 24Goals app
The mission of the project is to inspire and draw inspiration from other users, learn the best habits of other people, help and motivate each other, improve yourself together, be a part of the same community, find like-minded people and go towards your goals together. Our app will help you achieve the best results and the best life.
Reach all your goals with like-minded people at 24G speed 24/7
Start this journey! Click on the button below and join us!
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You will have additional resources and materials to achieve your goals
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